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Monday, May 3, 2010

When Did We Stop Trusting the Experts?

My formative years were smack in the middle of the most comfortable time in the last century - the Fifties. Life was good, life was safe, everything and everyone was good, Mom and Dad loved me and each other. God, our doctors and the government were looking out for Pamela. We dutifully stood in line for our polio vaccines, we believed the American Dental Association, fluoridation of water, and the makers of Wonder Bread. When we went to the shoestore, we stood under the x-ray machines looking at the bones in our feet. We got under our desks so as not to be hit by the "fallout" from nuclear weapons the Russians would surely drop.
Back then we trusted them. The government, the church, the medical community, the scientists, and corporations. And we didn't question them. Consequently (or not) Pamela has all her teeth, never had polio, survived the cold war, found out she had wide feet, has never had scurvy or rickets, and though she really doesn't like Wonder Bread, her body grew in at least twelve different ways. I guess we will never know if Pamela was injured because of the blind trust she and everyone else held so dear.
So, here we are, 50 years later, and it doesn't appear that anyone trusts anyone any more. The government - well, that came crashing down for many of us in the 60s as they sent men of my generation off to fight. Watergate, the chaser, did in the rest of the country. Then the media took over, enough said.
I never really understood the corporate world, especially the financials. I grudgingly invested some of my money, which waxed and waned until I gave up watching. It seems they have given us a reason not to trust them any more, yet the madness continues.
Growing up in a medical field, I learned the scientific method. The well-designed and properly conducted study leading to the statistically and clinically significant results. Yet, many drug recalls later, after those of us dutifully taking estrogen-replacement therapy for years received a rude awakening, it seems no one trusts the medical community any more. Many studies have shown that vaccines do not lead to autism, yet we put our trust in zealots who apparently know more, thus exposing our children to diseases we thought were in our rearview mirror.
What is important here is this: The experts STILL know best. For all the mistakes, good things still happen. The government DOES do good things. People still DO make money in the stock market and the investments can still thrive over a period of time. Drugs and procedures DO save many lives. Teachers DO usually know best. Clergy, for the most part, stay inside the boundaries of behavior and are on our side. Folks are still looking out for Pamela, because, it's their JOB. They are the experts of the welfare of Pamela.
And Russia never dropped The Bomb.

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