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Friday, March 5, 2010

The Killer Whale

I continue to be amazed at the media questioning what could have caused a killer whale to kill. I am saddened to say the least at the death of a young woman, who was only doing her job when she met with a horrible fate, the victim of an encounter with a killer whale.
How many times must we hear of these incidents? Lions, whales, monkeys. They "turn on" their trainers, handlers, owners.
Folks, animals are put on this planet for a reason. That reason is not for the entertainment of humans. However you choose to believe we enter the world, realize that all of the magnificent creatures comprise this amazing ecosystem we inhabit. Animals seek out their habitat, they define and live in it, doing what their instincts tell them to stay alive and thrive in their community. When other creatures infringe on that habitat, they do what they must to survive, including killing.
Of the species infringing on the habitats of all animals, the human one is by very very far the most devastating. We have threatened to extinction thousands of animal species. Obviously, we must live, too. But until we learn to respect all creatures, their habitats, and their rights to live free, we will continue to threaten not only their right to live but ours as well.
We continue to attend and support water parks, zoos, rodeos, circuses, and other forms of "entertainment" so we can see animals "perform". Can anyone prove these animals are there of their own free will? Did that calf volunteer to be roped and tied up? Would that lion rather be in a tent jumping through a ring of fire that living his life in the wild with other members of his pride?
We assign human traits to them, we capture them and we exploit them for our own joy.
My friend Char, who shares my views, tells of a friend who asked her "if we don't patronize a water park, how will we see these animals?" The simple truth, of course, is that we don't. Anyone so intent on seeing an orca whale can get a degree in marine biology and study them in their natural environment without disturbing their lives.
I would love to see George Clooney. The sad truth is that, in all likelihood, I never will. No promoter would dream of capturing George and charging admission to see him perform.
I share my home with four cats. Back in the ancient days, perhaps in Egypt, someone decided cats should be domesticated or tamed. Once an animal crosses that line, the chance of them living on their own becomes a hardship. We welcome domesticated animals into our homes, thus bringing the cats or dogs into our families, where they are hopefully welcomed and treated with the love and respect they deserve.
I propose we look at our lives and those of the animals with which we share this beautiful planet and ask ourselves what would be best for all.

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