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Monday, July 27, 2009

To return or not to return

So I retired.

On August 1, 2009, I can return to work. Mysteriously, my former employer wants me to take three months off before I can come back and work as a supplemental employee. They say this is a federal law to protect me, the <65 y/o retiree. I am not sure why I needed this protection. Nonetheless, this three month period has nearly elapsed. During my period of "protection", several things have happened:
1. I have realized that retirement is far better then I could ever expect.
2. I have developed a routine that does not include working.
3. I have forgotten about 90% of the information I once knew about drugs.
4. I have less money than I did when I worked.

So, being that #4 has trumped #1,2, and 3, I e-mailed my ex-boss today and said I was ready to come back and work up to 3 shifts/month. That's all I can work unless I want to give back part of my social security payment. I would NEVER want to do that!
So we shall see. Maybe they don't need me. Maybe they don't WANT me!!

I am doing a couple volunteer nights/month at the Salvation Army Free Clinic. It's a good gig. It's a challenge, especially since most patients don't speak English and I need to tell them about their meds. My knowledge of French and German has pretty much dwindled, which is OK, because I haven't had a French or German patient yet, and likely won't. But when I feel I have gotten the message across, it's a good feeling, and I feel useful once again.

Maybe going back won't be so bad.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the "retired" world. It really is wonderful to follow your own schedule, instead of someone else's.
